Saturday, 15 February 2014

Bucket List

It’s at moments like these that I feel lost. There is nothing at all to be sad about, but I can’t feel anything – not pressure, not pain, not contentment. I put on my earphones and press play, but no song could kindle any sort of feeling. It won’t even last a minute before I switch to the next track.

“I am,” would seem an overstatement. I live inside a bubble, in a suspended reality – I am afraid of what’s outside but I want to feel it and I can’t set my feet on the ground.

So I am going to reach out and break the bubble. I am going to risk the fall.


Putting this after emo introduction above seems lame, but what the hell, this is my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. Which transitions nicely to the first item on the list:

1.      Write again. Fill notebooks with cheesy poems if that’s what comes out of my head. Write stories and songs, draw pictures. This is my life. This is my soul talking.

2.      Have good academic standing. It’s hard to keep the faith given all the stuff that engineering people are required to learn, but I have to and I want to. I want to not regret anything.

3.      Speak. Sing. I am so tired of staying silent.

4.      Read books. Walk around. See people (and talk to them too).

5.      Talk to Zorro, the masked guardian of the acad oval. I want to know his story. I want to debunk myths about him. I also want to have a picture beside the Oblation, but that’s beside the point.

6.      Be less boring.

7.      Love the library more. Love Chemistry more. Love Physics more.

8.      Become a faster reader. Go from 700wpm to 1000+wpm.

9.      Compose songs. Improve musical ability.

10.  Try not to be insecure when things get rough.

11.  Try to be more cultured. Also download a lot of OPM songs so no one could call me a hipster.

12.  Make up my mind, or not.

13.  Hang out with… friends.

14.  Study in advance. Basically do things in advance.

15.  Inspire myself. Inspire other people.

16.  Jog around the acad oval.

17.  Watch stars at night in UP.

18.  Cook something really awesome.

19.  Learn Japanese again. And Spanish.

20.  Start my novel and write at least four chapters.

21.  Learn how to paint.

22.  Do something crazy, something many of my friends don’t think I’d do, and document it.

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